Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Final [for English] [but me, too]

The Spots of a Leopard
How many fireflies does it take
To fill a mason jar?
I don’t have any fireflies
I don’t have any jars
But how many, hypothetically?

How many stars could you count
In only one hour?
I don’t have the eyes
I don’t have the time
But how many, hypothetically?

How many pages would it take
To fill up a life?
I don’t have the books
I don’t have the days
But how many, hypothetically?

How many hours does it take
To love and let go?
I don’t have the chances
I don’t have the patience
But how many, hypothetically?

And How much love does it take
To fill up a heart?
It stays the same size,
It’ll never stop growing,
How does it fit?
How will

In other words,

Nothing can always be easy,

and I still love you.

So that's hilarious.

love always, laura elizabeth.

1 comment:

  1. I am absolutely in awe. I love this so much. And I love YOU so much.
