Wednesday, January 22, 2014


How in the world did you come to be such a lazy love
and where did you go

Galxies | via Tumblr

The more you tell me about all the times you almost ran away
the more I tell you about all the times I almost stayed
but the moon was never one for yelling
and I am far better at listening to a whisper than a scream

It took me so long to recognize the two stages of a dandylion
and I'm still trying to put all the wishes back on the stem
I'm still trying to fill in the holes on my eyelash lines
I'm still trying to forget the significance of an eleven

For some godforsaken reason I am still trying to be innocent
and the ensnared hair in my fingers can testify to how well that is working
I am still trying to remember how it feels to not feel
but I am still trying to forget how it feels to not feel, too,

Leave the wishing for the romantics, love,
leave the hoping for the optimists and the complaining for the pessimists
leave the world for the realists and for the theorists
leave the rights and the trees to the activists

leave only for yourself what you know how to do, love,
leave only for yourself who you know you are
and leave what you've done in the past and
leave what you will do in the future
and try not to leave your present

love always, laura elizabeth.

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