Sunday, January 12, 2014

Remembering the Future.

"If you aren't able to depend on people you aren't with the right kind of people."


Remember, remember, remember, let's play the remember game and remember when we met them all for the first moment, when we were at Benjamin's house for a social and I sat on a blanket next to someone I didn't know and talked about life, and how Taft said he studied ballet and I fell in love just a little bit, how there was a weird asian that kept taking my picture and she later became someone I wouldn't be myself without having knowing, how I went to a dance later that day and Allen, aka the boy that came off a little creepy, came up to me and told me we had met and I honestly didn't remember, who would have thought we would pair together to direct a one act? And how at the sophomore assembly a girl who knew everyone sang the national anthem, and later she was in my drama class and how I just did not like her one bit, I didn't like any of them one bit, I so preferred the company of the upperclassmen who maybe I didn't feel like I could talk in front of but they, for some reason, loved to have me around, I accidentally went an hour early to Connor's party and he took it in stride, he drove me around to pick up pumpkins and people, and I was the only sophomore so many times, remember how Melissa and I became better friends because before that year she was just the girl that could sing better than me (and she is still that girl but also so much more) and remember how much we all hated Preston because he was arrogant and we were so happy when he left and then so much happier when he came back this year a better person,

remember when Benjamin would drive me home, remember when Kristen and I went and visited him at work and he made us that special sandwich, remember all fall break how we watched scary movies and I was so in the loop, and remember when they all left

remember when they left, and remember how they left the same time I broke up with Mitchell the first time, and remember how long that lasted,

remember the girl I disliked so much and who disliked me so much and remember how we became the very best of friends, and how that caused us to lose everyone that we didn't need in our life, and then we even lost each other for a while,

please please tell me you remember everything, because I've never cried harder than I did when everyone left and now I'm leaving, please please tell me you'll remember everything, remember when we got accepted to colleges or received our mission calls? Remember when we graduated? Remember when we all left each other and remember how we have new lives and remember how every now and then we remember?

Yeah, this post is for you, my lovely little red headed best friend that no one could ever forget, someone I can depend on and someone who can tell me who I can depend on, remember when I told you I've never loved anyone as much I love you and how it's still true in a way because no one else has made me love them more in one singular moment like you did, and like you do, and I remember our past and I remember our present and we only have so much future left, so long live us and long live this year and long live right now.

love always, laura elizabeth.

ps. I wasn't in that class and I don't know exactly how this Paris is defined but whatever it means I'm up to go, too.

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